Fiddler client for mac
Fiddler client for mac

fiddler client for mac

Fiddler was recently (well if 2012 is still recent) bought by Telerik who now maintain it, but it was originally released in 2003. Both these tools have been around for many years and are highly mature. There are a number of good options that can fill the role of a logging proxy. In this case, we want to simply log out all the information transmitted between the service and the API. streamline the requests you make on your cell phone to reduce the bandwidth.

fiddler client for mac

caching data coming from your web server onto cheaper machines that don’t need to hit a database or render a complex page.caching data coming from external websites to reduce the amount of traffic going over the external interface.In general proxies can be used for all sorts of things: Why on earth was this not working? To debug this issue I needed to get into the raw packets being sent back and forth between the service and the API.

#Fiddler client for mac code#

I had already logged the HTTP headers I was sending in my C# code and they all looked correct. Postman showing an HTTP request against localhost. This API made use of Basic HTTP authentication, which passes a token in the HTTP headers. Everything was going well from Postman, the fantastic API test tool, but from the C# code I kept getting errors about being unauthorized. It was firewalled and I was interacting with it by pulling messages from Azure Service Bus, transforming them, and passing them to the local API. I was working with a relatively simple RESTful service which was actually hosted on the local machine. This is the story of one such situation and how using Fiddler or Charles could make your life much easier. However, from time to time a problem will show up that needs us to drop to the level of the network to figure out what is going on. For the most part, we don’t worry too much about what is happening at the network level when we’re building these applications.

fiddler client for mac

Almost every application these days communicates over HTTP: websites, RESTful services, and even SOAP APIs all make use of Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

Fiddler client for mac